Here are some of the results of the first layer of decorating done on the townhouse -- paint. In general I like it, but I still feel it's a work in progress, and I'll probably be in there with my own paintbrush and coveralls shortly. My goal was to paint most of it in creamy neutral and just pop a few accent walls (in 'sable brown' and 'peanut butter'). But now that I've done it, I almost think the neutral is too neutral, and I'm really liking the color pop. Plus, the creamy tones of the walls and ceiling are supposed to contrast a bit, and they don't. So I may have to go a shade darker. But it might all be okay once the furniture, drapes and rugs go in.
Still pondering....and the lovely thing about paint is that I can change it all in a single afternoon, if so desired.....
I like it - I think you can see the difference in colours really well in this picture. But anyway I think it is definitely better to start neutral and add colour as you've lived with the space.
Impractically, I really want to do a sofa in an ivory tone and then dress it up with chocolate and ice blue throw pillows, but I may have to paint the wall behind it (currently a creamy neutral) a shade or two darker for some contrast. Depends on the sofa, so I probably can't resolve that until I find one.
Will your lovely dog be residing there? He might not mix well with an ivory sofa.
Yep, that's the "impractical" part of it. I always have a struggle between what's beautiful and what's practical, and I have a hard time finding harmony between the two, unfortunately.
Some day, I'll probably be one of those little old ladies with a plastic cover on their sofa. :)
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