There is no real reason for this post except that I ran into this little guy online and fell in love. I have a slight Shih Tzu obsession, and this fluffball is total eye candy for me. Looking at it makes me happy. I cannot do so without smiling.
I like animals so much more than I like people. Put me in a roomful of furballs anytime.
He is beautiful. I meet a gorgeous Lhasa Apso puppy the other week who I still keep thinking about.
Someone at my work said they don't like animals and they have dropped in my estimation so much.
How can you not love animals? They are the most honest beings on the planet, and they have no real reason to befriend us, yet they do. What a gift from God they are.
I know - I find it very hard to relate to someone who says that. I think she considers them to be smelly and dirty.
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