There are a couple of ways to look at it.
I could be frightened by it.
I could look at it as an opportunity.
I have the power to choose, and I choose the latter.
And why not? Change is inevitable. It's the only constant. And I want to take advantage of it. No risk, no reward. No guts, no glory.
There's a change coming in my work. My consulting contract is up at the end of the month. It likely won't be renewed, but the company may offer me a fulltime position instead. Doing what, I'm not sure. There's a reorg going on, and I don't know what will fall out of it. Ultimately, there may be nothing there for me at all. Or I may get tapped to head up something. I just don't know yet.
And to mix it up a bit -- all of a sudden - *presto* - there are three potential opportunities that have appeared on my career horizon. Three potentially great career moves to be explored, discussed, analyzed and sorted out. No, I don't have offers in hand yet. It's too early for that. But I do have people who have reached out to me with keen interest. And the timing on that is just incredible, truly.
So I look ahead positively and explore the next potential career chapter. I don't know what will happen, but in the end, I know it will be okay. I have confidence in myself. God has given me many gifts, and I trust Him to light my path. I feel a very positive vibe in the air.
Change? Bring it.
Good for you!
I'm not really scared of change, but I find that once the idea of potenital change has been planted in my head, I become impatient for it happen.
I know what you mean. Even though something may be offered to me in my current environment, it feels like I've already moved on emotionally to the other possibilities out there.
I had a very good first phone interview yesterday with one of them and am moving forward to the next round of the process. They're actually a London-based firm, with offices just off of Fleet Street, and a small U.S. office in Dallas, walking distance from my townhouse. What are the odds? :) Maybe I'll be having an after work cocktail with all of you soon! :) Wouldn't that be grand?
Oh that would be great! And we could go for afternoon tea and eat scones!
Real scones! Yay!
Will keep you all posted on progress. The upside is that it is a great career opportunity, an increase in pay, the possibility of working abroad...but the travel/away from home demand will be challenging. Everything's a tradeoff, you know?
This is only one of two opps that have a potential London tie, so odds may be good that we'll do tea together one day! :)
Scones sound good, and meeting up sounds even better. Good luck with it all, M. xx
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