Why isn't he a bigger star? He's a good looking dude with a decent amount of screen charisma, and it was almost like watching a new art form as he moved through the ocean on his dives. With those piercing blue eyes and chiseled mug, why do we not see him in more films? Who is managing this guy's career?
Also, while I'm not a Jessica Alba fan....(does anyone really consider her to be a serious actress?).....I must say she looked pretty good running around in her tiny bikinis. It was a good role for her -- she should stick to those deep, complicated characters. :)
I'm always amazed that she gets labeled as a fashion icon. That's telltale about the state of fashion these days. While she's a pretty little girl, she strikes me as exactly that -- a little girl. When she dresses up, to me, she looks like a child playing in her mommy's clothing. Fashion icon? Paleez.....
Blimey - he has got amazing eyes. Perhaps he is too good looking & its holding him back? Not that normally happens with actresses.
I think he's one really hot movie away from being the next Brad Pitt. Only better, because I don't really get Brad Pitt.
Hmm, I don't really get these typically good looking men- they're just a bit too pretty for my liking. A man should be a man- a bit rough around the edges, non?
Agree, but I think he's a hottie in the making. In a few years, he may rough up a bit more and could be massively hot by the time he hits 40.
Yeah he needs that slightly weathered thing and 40-year old thang going on!
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