Because my 'Shoot' list is probably easier than my 'Dinner' list, I'll take a shot at this one first:
Al Gore. IMHO, his global warming crap is a flaming pile of hooey and mostly an attempt to gain power and position in the world (since he can't do it through other means). Left unchecked, his alarmist agenda will cripple businesses, jobs and economies and cost us all big money, all for naught. There actually are credible scientists (whose voices are being drowned out) who believe that the earth constantly goes through natural heating/cooling cycles, caused by changes in radiation from the sun, which we can't do a heck of a lot about (no matter how much they tax us). 'Sun as main cause' seems to have merit when you consider that ice caps on other planets in the solar system are melting. I really don't think my SUV is causing that.
He's also a hypocrite. It was just reported that the energy consumption at his "compound" in Tennessee is 20X higher than that of the average American household. It's "do as I say, not as I do", as usual. Guess he just wants the rest of us to conserve, not him.
And since he's just become the darling of Hollywood, there is no doubt he is a total loon.
A green bullet for Mr. Gore, please.
Hillary Clinton. She's a Socialist. This is a Capitalist country. Next candidate, please. And both barrels for the Hildebeast.
Kate Moss. She's unattractive, classless, is a druggy, loves a druggy, yet the fashion industry worships her. I am so tired of seeing her in ads. I just don't get her at all. Bulemic bullet for her.
Rosie O'Donnell. Because she clearly knows everything and is the only one entitled to an opinion. And because she sees the world through gay-colored glasses. Everything is an agenda about gaydom. Why can't she just be a person first? I don't mind anyone being gay....heck, be gay, gay, the gayest person ever, if you like. Enjoy! But stop accusing everyone and everything of being homophobic. It's not all about you, believe it or not. And I'm not homophobic; I'm Rosiephobic. Big, bully, butch bullet for her.
Bill Maher. He used to be a comedian. Now he's just old, bitter and not funny. I've never really liked him, but he sealed it for me when he donned his 'Crocodile Hunter with-barb-in-chest' Halloween costume last year. What a classless POS. I can't think of anything more disrespectful to Steve Irwin's grieving family, who had just lost him weeks before. Bill Maher gets a bullet, right in the unfunny bone.
Sienna Miller. I don't understand how such a totally unremarkable person can be labeled the "it" girl. Has it really come to this? And also because she supposedly slept with Daniel Craig in a revenge move against Jude Law (who should share the bullet). A pox on your box, Sienna. Sleezy bullet for her.
P-Diddy. Or whatever he calls himself now. This person gets paid an exorbitant amount of money to do something, and I have absolutely no idea what it is. What is it that he contributes? I have no clue. But he's everywhere, constantly throwing the "it" party. Drive-by shooting for him.
Group Hit. The parents of Britney, Lindsey, Paris, Nicole, etc. for creating and unleashing their little monsters on society. One big fabulous bullet for them all.
Heather Mills. Because somehow she thinks Paul McCartney owes her more than $60M. Somebody please shoot her before we have to watch her lose her leg on 'Dancing with the Stars'. Wooden bullet for her.
Donald Trump. For a myriad of reasons, but most recently because he's promoting a seminar where 'little people' like us are supposed to go sit and hear his daughter, Ivanka, educate us on the secrets to becoming wealthy. Um, let's see - be born into it? That seems to work well. A gold leaf laden bullet for the Donald (and Ivanka).
I feel certain there are more destined for this list, but I need to stop and go reload now.